I became interested in electronics and computers in High school in the mid seventies, where I became adept at troubleshooting and repairing TVs, Stereos, Amateur Radio, small appliances, TTL Logic development and the like.

Upon graduation I entered the United States Navy under the AEF (Advanced Electronics Field) studies, which I successfully completed in the prescribed 24 months.

I completed Submarine and advanced weapons training before serving aboard the USS SHARK SSN 591 Nuclear powered fast attack submarine as the LPO (leading petty officer) and other duties as assigned, until my honorable discharge 4 years later, in the mid Eighties.

I work as a Senior Field engineer for several year maintaining commercial Microwave communications and Fiber Optic equipment for MCI.

My wife and opened and operated a small electronics business were we sold, installed and maintained varies electronic systems including; Satellite, home theater, security and whole house communications systems.

I spent the balance of my working days as a IWMS (integrated Work Management Systems) consultant, including starting and being a principal member in two successful firms that served large Government and corporate agencies. these days I remain active as a HAM operator, tinkering with Computers and other tech toys as I serve others in daily ministry.

love iFixIt and the community it supports!

Ciao Bella
