Me at iFixit:

Hi, my name is Midori and I have been working at iFixit since November, 2015. I am currently working as Japanese Localization lead. I'm currently responsible for repair guide/teardown translation, managing Japanese Twitter account, and marketing to Japan. I also help connecting iFixit to enthusiastic community for repair in Japan, The most memorable work at iFixit in the past was sending our teardown team to Tokyo for iPhone 7 teardown in 2017(for the first time in iFixit history!) and Kyle Wiens, iFixit CEO and I were able to meet many people in Japan through several joint events with Wired Japan, Greenpeace, Waseda University and Super Science High School in 2018. Thanks to this 7 years-long work experience, I found my mission, which is not only to share fascinating inside of new gadgets, but also to protect the global environment by reducing electronic waste.

iFixitで働く、現在唯一の日本人スタッフ、土井みどりです。修理ガイドやYouTubeビデオの日本語翻訳を含め、日本語Twitterの管理や、日本向けマーケティング、日本語コミュニティのプロモーションを担当しています。iFixitに入って印象に残っている仕事は、日経BPさんの協力のもとでiPhone7の分解を初めて東京で行なったことです。(日本に行くのが始めてのエンジニア3人を派遣しました!)翌年にはWired Japanグリーンピース、早稲田大学、立教大学、スーパーサイエンスハイスクールでイベントを開催しました。学生、エンジニアの方、環境保護に邁進されておられる方、教育関係の方、Appleファンの方、様々な方々と直接会う機会に恵まれました。この仕事を通じて、最新ガジェットを動かす面白さを伝えるだけでなく、電子廃棄物を削減することで、地球環境を守っていくことを伝える自分のミッションを見つけることができました。

Educational background:

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Postgraduate degree of Asia Pacific Leadership Program from East-West Center and University of Hawai’i at Manoa


ハワイ大学マノア校/ East-West Center アジア太平洋リーダーシッププログラム修了

Work Experience prior to iFixit:

Waseda University, Tokyo

Administrator for International Admissions Office, International Research Development Office and Central Library.

One of my highlights at Waseda was to promote international research collaborations in the area of biomedical sciences with a university in Germany. Also I was one of the committee staff to apply for a very large MEXT research grant program. Through my work, I was able to gain rich experiences in supporting international competence especially for young researchers/post doctoral scholars, and improving my communication skills with students.



早稲田でのハイライトは、生命医科学領域でドイツの大学と国際共同研究を推進したことと、超大型の文部科学省 研究助成金プログラムの申請チームに加わったことです。仕事を通して、研究分野の国際力をつける経験や学生たちとのコミュニケーションを磨くことができました。

More About me:

I am a homeschooling mom for two elementary schoolers for three days a week while juggling my job at iFixit.Every year from June to August, I spend time in Japan. I love to enjoy beautiful nature and seasonal food. My favorite places in Japan are Kobe, Hakata(Fukuoka), and the Seto Inland Sea. I also enjoy exploring the National Parks. Camping in the park is a great way to connect more deeply with nature and get offline! My favorite places in California are Yosemite National Park, Highway 1 on the Central Coast and Ojai.

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My contributions on iFixit blog:

Ladies of iFixit Earn 1 Million in Reputation

Advice for Female Fixers from the Women of iFixit





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