A hobbyist or a playboy with broken stuffs so called. I was curious about things since I was little but grew up with negative energy around with no one to support the curiosity. I learnt a few things by takings apart and study them and I haven't seen any mechanic since I was 22 yrs old unless special tools and equipments needed.

Used to dream about making the RC cars as reality electric cars around 1989 and everyone made fun as I am out of m mind to speak the impossible things( when u are yourself with no one to support).

Up to date still trying to build something different but there are simple judgement done because someone speaks with accent, does not have engineering degree and no background to support. Yes I am from a place with the world's longest civil war and conflicts. We managed to educate ourselves in any condition and tried to show the capability.

My suggestion for everyone is "Do not just simply judge a person too soon before there is some adequate time and support given".

Now I am doing Mac repair at component level and it took me 6 months to learn the system as a guy knows "Zero" about computer boards and electronics. I did not even know how to use multimeter when started to learn electronics and relied on the instructions and hard work with consistent. There is nothing you can do if you are determined. Napoleon said :Impossible is the word of fools" and I learnt that when I was 7 years old (I keep it as the most important word in life).

If you are reading it please remember to give anyone a chance to proof or give them a chance. There were a lot of talents lost because of our ignorant view and judgments.

Peace out and hope we could have the peaceful world rather than the mess we are in now.

Live in peace, stand up for the weak, treat with love and stand up for the right cause.