The Background

I live on the beautiful central coast of California where life is just simply better. I'm originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. I graduated from California Polytechnic State University in the Spring of '09 with a BS in Industrial Technology along with a Packaging Minor and a Music Minor. I married the love of my life, Carly in the Summer of '09.

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The Foreground

Currently I work as the Operations and Logistics Supervisor at iFixit here in San Luis Obispo. That's basically a fancy title that means I make sure all our products get to us and to you. I have worked here since the Fall of '09. I'm also a member of Grace Church in San Luis Obispo where I work in the music ministry.

The Life

I like to figure out how things work and how I can make them work better. There is always a way to improve so I spend my time finding out how to improve it. Whether it be my home entertainment system or my computer, I customize, create, and capitalize on all the features I can.

So what am I into?...

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When I'm not at work I'm usually doing something that involves music whether it be playing or listening to it. I love everything musical. I have a Blueridge BR-70 which inspires and relaxes me as need be. I also love enjoy taking a chorus to, "Take the A-Train" with my King 2B. If you understand even the littlest about where rock and roll came from, jazz music gives you great respect and perspective on music today. I like taking my electric guitar and layering effects over each other thus creating rich textures and sounds that even the Edge would be proud of.

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If if not making music with a physical instrument, I'm making it with a virtual one. Sampling, looping, recording, and synthesizing can occupy my evenings regularly. I use various programs for my musical creations but Reason is the one that speaks for me. Software makes the possibilities limitless in terms of what sounds you can create from a computer. It also frustrates me beyond words.

I've played with the The Folly playing at venues around California including Spirit West Coast. I also play in a blues and rock n' roll band currently. Check it out...

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I also frequent the tastiest of burger joints and the cheapest of frozen yogurt machines which in SLO, there is no shortage of. The hills around here are ripe for backpacking and hiking and the beaches are perfect for relaxing. Biking around this area is fantastic. I also enjoy racing in the "Woodstock" of triathalons, Wildflower.

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My Creations

Being a guitar player I have a pedal board which contains all of the effects that I use while I play. All those pedals need to be powered by a 9V battery usually or be connected to a power supply. A guitar player can either choose to keep replacing 9V batteries as they go out (not fun) or buy a power supply. But why spend all that money when you can build one yourself!

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I also like to make my own pedals, this one being made out of an Altoids tin. The pedal's function is super simple but still, it looks sweet! Yes, I used to have the Altoids in there to combat bad breath as well. No one likes a singer with bad breath.

In school I worked on building and analyzing a wind turbine trying to figure out what kind of airfoil configuration and generator design would work the best under certain conditions. I worked specifically on generator design and built some of the prototype airfoils.

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I also built a rocking chair all out of corrugate (cardboard, although you should really call it corrugate) and glue, nothing else. Corrugate is stronger than you think when you design your packaging well.

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