I am going to show you how to tear apart an xbox with simple tools.
Here you would usually have a hard drive, my xbox does not. To remove it you push down the button and lift it out
You can put a flat head screw driver in between the plastic as shown and gently pry open the front
You can alternatively grab inside the USB port and pull the cover off
Use a small tool to stick in and push these pins
Be sure to keep pressure pulling outwards for this to come out easily
Make sure that you pop out the pins on both sides
You must push in these buttons (7 in total)
Make sure you keep pressure applied outwards so that the locks do not re-engage
Remove the six silver screws
Flip over the whole Xbox holding both the plastic and the metal, then pull off the casing
Use a small flat head screw driver to open this locking mechanism and then gently remove the fan connector
Use a screw driver or spludger to pry out the fan from the casing
To remove the "On" button simply disconnect the plastic clip
Remove the three black screws and pull the chip directly outwards so you do not damage the connector
Remove the 9 gold screws
Remove the 8 black screws
Carefully pull out the mother board and make sure that you do not damage any connectors
Memory card ports
Custom ATi Graphics Processor with 10Mb of Ram
3 IBM PowerPC Cores Each Running At 3.2Ghz with 512Mb of System Ram
Hard drive port
Power port
HDMI and Video ports
Please comment if you have any suggestions or help so that I can be sure to update this, or do a better job in the future.
Michael -
Your method is very offensive and not recommended when you wont damage the case of your Xbox 360.
Up yours it obviously helped 3.1 thousand people. Being as you have zero guides and close to no reputation, maybe you should try it. But your input is valued, so thank you.
Michael -
$@$*-hot reply - like it!!!