You can also learn how the repair the broken parts of your Note 3.
Turn the device off and use your finger to remove the back cover and battery. The Galaxy Note 3 battery is removable, making it easy to remove it without any tool.
The back chassis is fastened by twelve Philips screws, so we have to undo the screws with the Philips screwdrivers.
Pull out the S pen and use spudger to release the back chassis. Then the chassis is separated from the rest of the device.
Use spudger to remove the USB board with proper strength because the USB board is stuck with glue.
Remove the small metal bracket covering the front facing camera and sensor cable. Then remove the front camera and sensor cable.
Use screwdriver to pry out the vibrating motor. Please be noted the motor is adhered to the front chassis and connected with the power button. Please lift it up carefully to avoid damaging the power button cable.
is it possible to use a Sprint Galaxy Note 3 USB port on a T-Mobile Galaxy Note 3?
It will fit, but the antenna are different. The phone will not work properly: the wireless reception will be worse.
I did exactly that and I haven't noticed any difference at all. My phone works and charges perfectly now, and all it took was 12 bucks and a little patience. Good luck!
I have a T-Mobile note 3 but can I use a sprint housing and lcd
john -
If single sim it same
Is it possible to swap out the motherboard of a GSM note 3 and put it in a live demo unit, to make it fully functional?
Gus -