Inside the GV30.
Levering the speaker with something sharp from its location, it's glued to the base and I damaged it
Lift the plastic frame to view the circuit
The gray wire cloth used for cooling or shielding blocks the view of the chip below it.l, so remove it
Seems to be soldered to the board, applying a slight pressure nothing happens. Maybe there's some glue
This cable seems to have the locking bar, but trying to move it sliding or leveraging ir with a screwdriver it doesn't move. How can I remove it ?
Another cable having a locking bar. I tried to move this cable too and having more space I forced it more than the previous one but nothing moved.
I don't know what cable is it , the watch don't measures heartbeats but only steps and monitores sleep. However this cable is soldered and i don't want to desoldering it if not necessary
I had to remove the micro sd to see it, also if i described the same antenna in 6th step whitout realizing. It seems to have only 1 connection to the board and seems to be 1 thin copper plate all united. Unfortunately i ripped the antenna in the 2nd photo ! Now i need to replace the antenna with another.
The problem is that this antenna have 2 connections while the previous had only 1 ! I don't know what are these connections. Maybe one connects simply to ground, but i don't know. I think it's a SMA connector. I expect if i peel the cable to get 2 cables.
The cable is about 2cm long and wide 2mm , i not measured it but works very well. I don'k know even if it touches the contact or is only near it.
If i connect another piece of wire on the antenna the range of the bluetooth remain practically the same. Maybe to increase further the range, i need a determinate-lenght wire , for example with a online calculator the lenght of the ideal antenna results a quarter of wave of 2,450 ghz but i don't know how much is important
One comment
My strap got deattached by kids any remedy ??