
I delve into an Easter egg just to see what makes this funky pink thing tick.

    • So let's find out what's inside this DELICIOUS-looking Easter egg.

  2. IUAHwZCcClSiXdqU
    • First step - cut into the egg.

    • I wonder what kinds of things I'll find inside? Leprechauns? Little bunnies? The true meaning of Easter? Only time will tell.

  3. mlSY6MOEALVWgVuq
    • The innards reveal a yellowy substance. Not sure what it is, but let's dig into it some more and see if we can find out.

  4. PERWthAGsHVdKB1s
    • Another cut is made, more yellow is found.

    • Surprisingly, no processors have so far been found. No bunnies for that matter, either.

  5. HmDXtuflEsIJOrOT
    • Two halves exposed... But what's the yellow stuff? Only one way to find out.

    • Current bill of materials:

    • Yellow mystery stuff inside

    • Pink outer layer

    • Blue swirls

    • Yellow dots

    • Red Swirls

    • Green swirls

  6. WUCqUOygSgi1fHtM
    • A formal analysis found that the yellow inner filling was, in fact, yellow cake.

    • Conclusion: Easter eggs rock!

Miroslav Djuric

158199 Reputation



Lai Zhijie -

You have a low tolerance for fainting.

Miroslav Djuric -

"This teardown is not a repair guide. To repair your Easter Egg, use our service manual" That's great. But how do I repair my pink Easter egg?

Michael -