This Adapter Kit is used to replace the LCD screen in the iMac 17" Intel model. These models are notorius for developing hundreds of vertical lines due to a manufacturing defect. You may also wish to use this if you have cracked or otherwise damaged your screen.
Loosen the two captive Phillips screws securing the access door to the iMac.
Remove the access door from the iMac.
Flip your iMac over and lay it stand-side down on a flat surface.
To lift the front bezel off the iMac, simultaneously:
Use your thumbs to press in the RAM arms and hold the iMac down.
Use your index fingers to pull the small bridge of material on the front bezel toward yourself.
Pull the Front bezel up with your index fingers.
Once the small bridge of material has cleared the RAM arms, lift the front bezel by its lower edge just enough to clear the bottom edge of the rear case.
Insert a plastic card up into the corner of the air vent slot near the top of the rear case.
Push the card toward the top of the iMac to release the front bezel latch.
Pull the front bezel away from the rear case.
Repeat this process for the other side of the front bezel.
If the bezel refuses to release, try pressing the lower edge back onto the rear case and repeat this opening process.
Lay your iMac stand-side down on a table.
Lift the front bezel from its lower edge and rotate it away from the rest of your iMac, minding the RAM arms that may get caught.
Lay the front bezel above the rest of the iMac.
If necessary, remove the piece of kapton tape(it is ok to toss this) wrapped around the microphone and camera cables.
Remove the two 4.8 mm T6 Torx screws securing the display data cable to the logic board.
Grab the display data cable connector by its black tab and pull it straight up off the logic board.
Inverter cable on 24inch iMac pulls off to the left.
Pull the inverter cable connector straight up off its socket on the logic board.
Remove the four 8 mm with 2 mm thick head coarse-thread T10 Torx screws securing the display to the rear case.
Lift the display from its lower edge and pull it toward yourself to peel off the EMI shield attached to its top edge.
What you will need to complete this install:
Contents of UniMac V4 Adapter Kit:
UniMac V4 Adapter
Mounting brackets
CCFL Adapter
Phillips Screws
Required tools listed prior, compatible LCD panel, insulation tape (clear packing tape works well)
Remove both metal brackets from the original LCD screen.
Remove 2 torx screws from each side. Each bracket should then be easily removed.
Remove the LCD inverter from the metal bracket. It is held in with some light adhesive.
Attach the included plastic adapters to the replacement LCD screen.
The adapter with the larger leg space has to be mounted on the "right" side of the LCD. That's where the LVDS connector is located.
The brackets screw directly to the screen using the included phillips screws.
Attach the UniMac V4 Adapter to the LCD screen.
Simply clip it into the LVDS socket.
Ensure a solid connection and then put a piece of packing tape over the adapter.
Attach the LVDS cable, that you removed earlier, to the UniMac V4 Adapter. Ensure a solid connection and put a piece of packing tape over it.
Attach the included CCFL adapter to the original inverter board.
Apply some self adhesive tape at the bottom of the board.
Fix the LVDS cable with some adhesive tape. This reduces mechanical force applied to the UniMac Adapter and makes the modification more stable.
Now place the inverter board at the left side of the LCD. There's enough room between the CD-ROM drive and the LCD, so there's the optimal place.
You should now have a fully assembled display ready for install.
Vertical alignment:
Each bracket utilizes 2 screws mounted through 2 slots. This allows a few inches of movement up or down.
You will likely need to go back and make adjustments after the install.
Just loosen the 2 screws and slide the bracket up or down as needed and then tighten screws.
Mounting screen:
Mount the screen using the original torx screws used the mount the OEM panel.
Plug the LVDS cable into the logic board.
Reassembly and test:
Double check everything and once you are confident everything went well, install the front bezel.
Attach the power cable, and hit the power button.
You should now be greeted by a white screen and the Apple logo.
It should now be apparent if any alignment adjustments need to be made.
Should you have any install issues please contact for assistance.
Very easy repair. Thank you!
Chris -
My replacement screen has two wired out puts to put into the ccfl adaptor. The screen is one known to work.
Is correct?
That is a really, really unnecessarily complex way of fitting a new hard drive. Thanks, but no thanks...
annax -
annax, if you can suggest a simpler way we're all ears!
Jake Simmonds -
I found this guide to be very useful. The installation was super easy, especially since I've never opened my iMac before. I was able to skip steps 6, 7, 9, 10 and 14. Wish I had one of those long skinny magnetic torx screwdriver's though. I had to use duct tape to hold the screws on the end of the bit for step 12.
I used this opportunity to vacuum out the dust with mini attachments. Much needed after 3 years ;0)
Awesome site!!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and saving me time and $$$!
Eric Patten -
Yes I did it! thanks for this very good manual
Philippe d Anfray -