
Remove the access door to replace RAM chips and remove your front bezel.

  1. hxZiNdMfTd5UBC5X
    • Loosen the two captive Phillips screws securing the access door to the iMac.

    • Remove the access door from the iMac.

    • Before beginning the repair, unplug the computer and press and hold the power switch for 20-30 seconds, to discharge internal capacitors.

    That is a really, really unnecessarily complex way of fitting a new hard drive. Thanks, but no thanks...

    annax -

    Quote from annax:

    That is a really, really unnecessarily complex way of fitting a new hard drive. Thanks, but no thanks...

    annax, if you can suggest a simpler way we're all ears!

    Jake Simmonds -

    I found this guide to be very useful. The installation was super easy, especially since I've never opened my iMac before. I was able to skip steps 6, 7, 9, 10 and 14. Wish I had one of those long skinny magnetic torx screwdriver's though. I had to use duct tape to hold the screws on the end of the bit for step 12.

    I used this opportunity to vacuum out the dust with mini attachments. Much needed after 3 years ;0)

    Awesome site!!! Thanks for sharing your knowledge and saving me time and $$$!

    Eric Patten -

    Yes I did it! thanks for this very good manual

    Philippe d Anfray -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Andrew Bookholt

585795 Reputation

One comment

great job Andrew

Levi Madgamer -