In cases where the device is not responding, this guide will help you replace the motherboard.
Place the tablet on a flat surface, facing upwards.
Starting from the portholes, use the plastic opening tools to remove the back cover of the tablet from the top half.
Being cautious of the wire connecting the speaker and the motherboard, place the front and back portion of the tablet close in proximity.
Locate the five 3.5 mm black screws on the motherboard.
Use the #00 Phillips screwdriver to remove the screws, place them in an appropriate location.
Carefully peel off the tape covering the circuit boards and blue ribbons. The tape can be disposed or saved for reuse.
After removing the tape, two blue ribbon wires can now be accessed. To disconnect, gently lift up the plastic ZIF tabs covering the wires.
Upon lifting the tab, the ribbons can now be safely pulled out of their connections.
Locate the two wires connecting the speaker to the motherboard.
Use a soldering iron to desolder the red and black wires from their sockets.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.