You've seen those jeans, the $200 pair that come pre-damaged, covered in contrasting stitches. Don't bother. Instead, follow this guide to not only fix your jeans, but upgrade them in style.
Examine the damage. Clip any long, loose threads, and remove any debris from the hole.
Measure the length and width of the hole.
In our case it looks like 2" by 1".
Grab a scrap of denim or other heavy-weight fabric and mark your measurements plus one inch in each direction.
In our case it will be 3" by 2".
Cut the scrap into a rectangle the dimensions of your new measurements.
Thread your sewing machine with your desired thread color.
Slide the pant leg onto the arm of the sewing machine.
Check that the rectangle of fabric is still laying flat, centered beneath the hole.
Lower the pressor foot.
Sew a straight line over the hole going about five stitches past the damage.
Lift the pressor foot.
Rotate the jean leg a few degrees toward the center of the hole.
Lower the pressor foot.
Engage the backstitch function on your sewing machine, and sew a straight line back over the hole, going about five stitches beyond the damage.
Repeat steps five and six, continuing to rotate and sew lines of stitching back and forth until you cover the entire hole.
When you are satisfied with your stitching, backstitch two or three stitches.
Lift the needle and pressor foot.
Slide the jean leg off of the sewing machine.
Still not satisfied? Alrighty, let's add some decorative stitching the other way.
Slide the pant leg back onto the arm of the sewing machine, making sure that the leg goes around the arm.
Just like before, at the end of each line of stitching, lift the pressor foot, rotate the jeans a few degrees, and sew another line of stitching.
When you are happy with the way that the stitching looks, backstitch two or three stitches.
Ta-da! Nice work.