
This guide shows you how to mod your super nintendo region free without a switch and with new LED lights.

btw. This mod doesn't work on 1 Chip SNES or SNES Mini.

  1. NMAYv1iQmmD3TDW3
    • Remove the two Phillips two 11.6mm screws that connect the front shield to the motherboard.

    Older versions of the SNES have the shield attached to the 62 pin connector and you will need to remove more screws and take the shield off with the pin connector in one step.

    Paul Arnold -

  2. wHG6TTyWSCuTNmXm
    • Lift the front shield straight up to remove it from the motherboard.

  3. GIvrBac2SgNqKW1X
    • Remove the two silver 15.6 mm Phillips #2 screws on either side of the 62 pin connector.

  4. OuFaPqCEv1nHs2ap
    • Remove the 11.8 mm Phillips #2 screw near the rear of the SNES.

  5. oRwj4DlY5Fodkcfg
    • Lift the motherboard straight up to remove it.

    Be careful, when removing the motherboard on my SNS-001 model, the two silver phillips screws on each side of the RF Modulator HAVE to be removed (towards the rear next to the dc power in and the av multi in).

    K4PDaddy -

  6. 663VSNaEHEVwccwo
    • The Two Chips that you need on your Super Nintendo

    • This mod only works on original Super Nintendo with 2 Chips, this mod doesn't work on the 1 Chip Snes.

  7. ZMBBpZUqqoWUsR1j
    • Remove the Lock Out chip (use the solder gun)

    • After removing the lock out chip there will probably be leftover of solder where the chip used to be so try to remove the soldier as good as you can

    • To remove the solder leftover, you can use the soldering iron and solder wick.

  8. XuQPUGBqrX63q4Jn
    • Lift up the PPU2 Pin 30 from the Motherboard

  9. OnT2LFQfwJpQZVA2
    • Now lift up Pin 24 on PPU 1

  10. PVXjfL3KeHrFnYWV
    • Wire the lifted pins (PPU 2 Pin 30 & PPU1 Pin 24) together

    • You need to use a Soldering Iron to wire the pins together

    • You can also use tape to hold the wires down to the motherboard

  11. yIEWlyGrkG3LgWmc

    What is the difference between firmware?

    Василий Чертов -

    As far as I know, the firmware that gets flashed to the chip is the one allowing the console to play on all Regions (with the help of the extra wires as well of course)

    Krisow -

  12. 1gXvrwRqk2IWYgLD
    • Bend the pins outwards

    • Then clip the pins

    • Use double sided tape and put it on top of the CPU and put the Super CIC on top of the double sided tape.

  13. OGiGdX6cQIXKbBki
    • Pic 1: Solder a wire from Super CIC Pin 12 to PPU1 Pin 24

    • Pic 2: Solder a wire from Super CIC Pin 14 to SWRAM Pin 64

    • Pic 3: Solder the 10k Ohm Resistor to the pin 8 (where the old CIC used to be) and to SWRAM Pin 33

    En la segunda imagen, hay que soldar desde el pin 12 del CIC al 64 del SWRAM o desde el 14? El texto dice 12 y en la imagen es el 14.

    Tito SVQ -

  14. cdHVipCsoGOaytxN
    • Pic 1: Solder a Wire from Super CIC Pin 1 to 4 on the same chip.

    • Pic 2: Solder a wire from Super CIC Pin 1 to the CPU Pin 1

    • Pic 3: Solder a wire from Super CIC Pin 13 to the End Point of the Resistor

  15. PyRw5fkLZNXJKQFN
    • Pic 1: Sother a wire from Super CIC Pin 2 to S-CLK Pin 6

    • Pic 2: Sother a wire from Super CIC Pin 11 to Old CIC Pin 10

    • Pic 3: Sother a wire from Super CIC Pin 10 to Old CIC Pin 1

  16. N3o1Ou14Y1MCvTiK
    • Pic 1: Solder a wire from Super CIC Pin 9 to Old CIC Pin 2

    • Pic 2: Solder a wire from Super CIC Pin 8 to Old CIC Pin 11

    • Pic 3: You've soldered most of the wires now, lets go to the LED Mod

  17. ylRGgY5B6uUiHvhG
    • Plug out the controller ports and solder out the LED Light.

    • When the solder points have been desoldered, you can use the tweezers to pull out the led light

    • Sother on the new LED Light with the middle pin on the left solder hole

    • Do Not sother the middle pin on the LED Light to the right solder hole as it will then be stuck in only one color!

    • Solder 2 wires on the left and right pins on the led light, green wire on the left pin and red wire on the right pin.

    • After that you should put the wires into one heat shrink tube each, remember to heat the heat shrink tubes when its over the pins.

    • Then you have to solder the 2k Resistor to the red wire and the 220 ohm Resistor to the green wire.

    • Then the last thing you need to do is to solder a wire from Super CIC Pin 7 to Pin 14.

    Where was the red and green wire from the led connected? Because it's unclear to me.

    Arkadiusz Mazur -

  19. DlvRoy5X2WfpIDhW
    • You're Now Done! You just need to put your Super Nintendo back together and then you have a Region Free Switchless Super Nintendo!

    • Green Light (PAL)

    • Red Light (NTSC) [For American and Japanese Games]

    • Orange Light (Auto)


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

These screenshots have been taken by 2 videoes, one from Global Garage and Chips y Bits on YouTube! I made this guide since its a little easier to read a guide with pictures like this instead of watching a 30 min video


Member since: 18/10/17

605 Reputation


Lo hice tal y como dice el tutorial y la snes se quedó con la pantalla negra.

dragonero -

Is there some way to get a chip that is already programmed? I don’t have a plan on doing this a lot and the $100 is a bit much at the moment.

Brandon Vanoni -

Will this same method be used for the PAL version if the console.

Adrees Sattar -