
This guide shows how to remove the Motherboard.

  1. 6YVRmeYQxPxCYWkf
    • To remove the back cover, use your thumb to press down on the center of case and slide it off.

  2. HODAqF1htjrmhdsQ
    • Using a fingernail lift the battery out of the phone.

    • Slide the sim card out with your thumb.

  4. esCoXKwSMuNFCrvS
    • To remove the back case first remove the four screws shown with a T5 Torx screwdriver

  5. OaALypIXKcpOG1nd
    • Using your fingernail lift up the side of the casing around the bottom of the phone to release all five of the clips.

  6. ASsjmijPyfj11QP5
    • Lift up towards the bottom and slide the case off.

  7. QCSNlfqDcEfZp65M
    • Use a plastic opening tool to lift up the brass colored panel.

  8. NLwxWSQSkxldV2ab
    • Flip up the yellow tab using a plastic opening tool to disconnect the motherboard from the phone body.

    • Work the plastic opening tool around the edges of the motherboard to release it from the clips.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Alex Serventi

Member since: 07/10/10

65 Reputation