
The SodaStream Source creates soda when the loader tab is engaged. Pressing on this tab initiates carbonation and flavor infusion. This tab may become damaged through use and can be replaced through the steps given in this guide. The tab is located within the carbonating block and has its own cover. Replacement of the loader tab requires both external and internal disassembly of the device. This guide shows the steps to access this internal component.

  1. t6HL1jgyo2tdMRKl
    • Remove the soda bottle and the CO₂ canister from the machine.

    My machine is overflowing when i put gas

    Elaine Anja -

    Does this article apply to the Fizzi too?

    When I look at my Fizzi (that I bought secondhand), it does not have any black seal like the one shown in this article.

    Greg Harrington -

    Parts are not specified - why? You would need a replacement circuit board (PCB, not a "chip")/battery holder assembly, if indeed that has failed.

    Malcolm Noble -

    IMPORTANT! Don’t use Philips screwdriver size PH1, it’s too small and will damage the screws. The correct size is PH2. This goes for all screws on this machine.

    Charles Greneby -

  2. 6tjplN6espyZ2NSj
  3. hpAUZsFckQY5XBYL
    • Pull the outer cover away from the front of the device.

    We are working on that for the last two hours without succcess. The boytom seems to slide out, but the top is totally stuck.

    Robert Coles -

    Hey Robert Coles, I figured it out. It wants to slide out backwards. You’ll notice the bottom wants to come out but the top is stuck. There is a sturdy plastic catch at the top, I managed to dislodge it by inserting a flathead screwdriver and giving it a little twist while pulling the housing away at the same time. I hope this helps! -jt

    John Tennant -

    I have the same problem.

    John Tennant -

    I’m stuck here too. I’ve pulled a lot of things apart but this has got the better of me. I can’t even get the bottom to slide. I love the way his hands are delicately poised to gently lift the back off. I’ve tried pulling so hard I’m frightened of breaking it. Pity. Such a good, well thought out manual otherwise. Stuck on step 3

    damon.ormsby -

    used two thin wood skewers to break the hold on the top. Slid them in each about 1/2” from the enter. finally released.

    Brian Runyan -

    Brian’s comment is excellent. The only additional piece of information is that the skewers should be inserted from the back. The catch is in the middle near the back. I inserted from the front which was wrong, but still worked. I left a couple of very fine marks that I think would not happen if inserted from the back.

    David Balfour -

    This step was unnecessary. I was able to slide off the front panel without pulling the outer cover off.

    Matthew Dash -

    Same for me. Jump to step4/5 first to see if it's even necessary.

    jwitt72 -

    there might be different variations within the same “model”. in my case (source), i realized that there is a tab at the top of of the housing. i pulled upwards the top of the housing, and was able to slide the housing backwards. there were 2 pairs of tracks on the sides of the housing that i thought they might have latches, but they were only guides to slide the housing. i do not how to share pictures here to show my steps

    Salam Gabran -

    This step was a real bugger. What helped was sliding a medium putty knife between the top and inner piece. The plastic snap is very near the back. They are right above the small “point” in the centre of the mechanism below it. Takes patience and let the plastic give way in time. I thought for sure I was going to bust it, and then it finally slid out like magic.

    Scott -

    Didn’t work I think they glued it shut to keep us from prying.

    Janey Kim -

    This step is only useful if you need to retension the two springs that lift the head and releases the pressure so that you don't have to lift it manually to get the bottle out.

    till_vidar -

    There are definitely different model variations. The outer metal case on my 2013 is split at the bottom as in this guide. The plastic case on my 16/17 is different an has the catch at the top rear as discussed in this thread. A gentle push up with my thumbs was enough to release it.

    Darryl Marko -

    I gave up on this step after 5 mins, but I found for my model it could be skipped and just go to step 4. For step 5, with a flathead screwdriver it came off easily and exposed the battery for replacement. Worked fine afterwards.

    jwitt72 -

    There is no need for steps 1, 2 and 3. Start at 4, and just remove the two screws from the front square that you push down. Use a tool to firmly pull the cover off and go ahead and replace the battery. Put back the cover, the two screws and you are done!

    MarianaFre -

  4. dX5vjZPcmfluuwyU
    • Firmly pull the front cover off.

    • This piece is difficult to remove and requires force. It may help to use a wide, thin object to pry it off (like a Jimmy).

    The plastic spudgers that are supplied for mobile phone or tablet screen removal are perfect for this job. Use 2 - 1 on each side.

    David Balfour -

    Once the 18.2 mm screws are removed, I just pulled the black plastic outer cover a couple mm away from the white plastic internal block on each side to release 4 of the 6 plastic catches, and then rotated upward to release the last 2 plastic catches.

    Tony Hartshorn -

    Note for the SodaStream Source model that doesn't have a battery: The contents of the electrical unit will come off along with the cover itself. The connecting wires are short and won't allow removing the cover as shown here. Disassemble carefully so as to not damage the wires.

    This model looks slightly different than the one shown in this guide: there are three horizontally placed buttons along the top edge, used to select the degree of carbonation and to start the process.

    Maaria Kaanaa -

  6. uPo3AEtVjGUOXlda
    • Push the brass bar, located in the top of the device, out of the carbonating block.

    • You can use the end of your screwdriver to push this piece out.

    We could,remove this covee, without sliding the assembly out ofbthe case. There was NO gold bar in the system…

    Robert Coles -

    ….. no gold bar either in my device…. ??????

    hbergeron -

  7. GphQUg1qNkEDRTcT
    • Slide the yellow battery cover up and away to remove it from the device.

    Careful! I had springs and retainers go flying on this step

    Felicia Renaud -

    Yep…same here. Took me a good minute to figure out where they came from!?

    Rodney Davis -

    Fun fact: The lights on the SodaStream are simply a timer. They are in no way linked to a pressure gauge. If you want more bubbles it doesn't mean you have to press on the activation mechanism harder. you can press gently and just wait longer. This way the water will not spill out over the top and leak all over the table. Ignore the lights and just wait for the safety release valve to activate as you are filling the bottle. that's how you know you have reached the limit.

    Ken Ostrovsky -

    I don't have see springs but led don't work? How work led? The battery is charge. Thank you

    Letizia -

  8. MyqGNupIls4esFYK
    • Unhook the bottom piece of the plastic arm on each side of the device.

  9. hKsCCevvmGpuqCOj
    • Lift the top of the plastic arm with the spudger and remove it on both sides.

    Slot screwdriver works just fine for these next two steps

    Scott -

  10. WplpmtfCWF3Yhvag
    • Remove the plastic piece, located near the front of the carbonating block, from both sides of the device using a plastic opening tool or nylon spudger.

    Be careful…they will fly off across the room!

    Rodney Davis -

  11. DaRJ6MhBiBihfSJt
    • Remove the plastic oval and the spring within it.

    Do not have this piece on mine?

    ronkellington -

    nor do I. They must have made some changes.

    Scott -

    This piece exists on my 2013 metal chassis version, but not on my 2016/17 plastic chassis.

    Darryl Marko -

  12. XHqPTJfYlsRZRWpD
    • Pull the loader tab cover down and away from the rest of the carbonating block.

  13. QZYhTiECMNFJ4yun
    • Remove the three 17.9 mm screws located on the right side.

    • These screws may be difficult to access.

    Should this be four screws? I followed all directions (I think) and had one extra screw to remove, just above the bottle mount, before I could split the two halves apart

    Phil Wilkes -

    Yes I had a 4th screw at this step too. Going backwards the missing fourth screw in the instruction messed me up and I had to redo it!

    Daniel Sylvester -

    Yes the 4th screw still isn't mentioned - and just below it is the rare-earth magnet that can fall out when the halves are separated. This magnet activates the LEDs when the carbonating block is pushed down - no magnet, no lights.

    Malcolm Noble -

  14. tRskmIiswd2dIWWT
    • Unhook the four clips on the top of the carbonating block and remove the plastic cover.

  15. Kpo2GkMvnSPDLHlJ
    • Lift the clips located on both sides with the plastic spudger. Slide the front cover off.

  16. jEnRGH6ULh4rYv6F
    • Unhook the silver spring arms on both sides of the device by pushing down.

    • Grip the right and left sides of the device and pull it into two identical halves.

    • Once these two pieces are apart, all remaining internal components will fall out of the device.

    what happens to the middle white piece?

    Noah Langer -

    Yeah there's a step missing here…between 17 & 18

    Daniel Sylvester -

    Is it better to lay it on its side?

    Gareth White -

    I hope someone will document the missing step of what it looks like if you separate the halves without having all the parts fall out.

    What does it look like and where do they go? Kinda' important for reassembly.

    Joe -

    I've added a photo to this step showing just this, fingers crossed it gets approved

    lizzbeeton -

    Liz - would you post a link to your pic here so we can see it even though it's not approved yet?

    Joe -

    Re: "missing step"

    On the newer models, (at least 2016/17) the valve is attached to the left side and it's two Phillips head screws must be removed.

    These instructions are correct for earlier models where the valve is in the middle, so there is no missing step.

    Darryl Marko -

    Se voce deitar o aparelho com cuidado, nada cairá e as peças ficarão no lugar

    J.Poppa -

    Thanks to this guide, I’ve taken a part my SodaStream Source a few times now. Like others have mentioned, during reassembly, this step tripped me up every time. It’s definitely missing details about the part orientation. I took some additional photos in efforts to help others. Please find the album here.

    Mitch -

    Thanks Mitch!! That's exactly what I needed! been pulling my hair out trying to figure out how that white piece went back in.

    KayLynn Mathews -

    You’re very welcome! I’m so glad it helped you out!

    Mitch -

  18. JWdRZrQqWysjWsVd
    • Pull the foam pad up and remove it from the front side of the carbonation component.

    Any source for spare parts known? Ebay and Amazon does not help here!

    lutz Ziffer -

    no foam pad on mine either

    Scott -

    What is the name of the part that is in blue? Mine is broken and I would like to replace it

    Tony R -

    The part on mine that was broken is the plastic cap/nut that connects the black hose to the canister holder.

    Going to try and superglue it. Wonder if there's a source for this nut?

    Joe -

    I wish it was that simple. The hose has a brass ferrule crimped on it, and the nut cannot be replaced without being able to remove and crimp a new ferrule to the (new?) hose. I have found a listing (eBay Europe?) for a split brass nut that allows replacement, but...

    Darryl Marko -

  19. FVBvef2ilBWlEBsU
    • Remove the six 17.7 mm screws from the underside of the loader tab piece.

  20. WA4F2d2O2T61TZDG
    • Pull the loader tab out of the nozzle.

    Dove posso acquistare il tubo dell'aria del gasatore?

    zorzi.corrado2 -

  21. hyAFSeCPuT6egmQK
    • Pull the small inner plastic circle out of the large plastic loader tab piece.

    Great fixit guide. Thanks. My loader tab fully engages when there is no bottle in it, but not when there is a bottle loaded. It hits resistance about 5cm short. Any ideas why and how to fix?

    Fran Batten -

    How do I know what needs replaced between loader tab, the sealer and/or the white tube. Because the symptoms seem to be the same for any of those(?) i’m not getting any gas at all but the tab pushes down as normal and blows big bubbles full of nothing’s the one problem. So i thought it might be the inside seal that i’ve looked at your instructions on that and these others.

    Levitt Lane -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Angela Mossgrove

Member since: 20/02/17

1072 Reputation


Thank you SO much for this! I was having a lot of trouble with this thing not releasing the bottle, so I disassembled it all and put it back together and now it works a treat! Not sure what was going on but I am so excited. You weren’t kidding at the end about it all falling apart… took ages to work out how it all went back together, but now I understand it and I have a working SodaStream. 5*!

Amanda L -

Do you know where the tiny magnet goes? It fell out on the table as I was disassembling.

cheryl meeks -

I think it has something to do with the microchip for the LED’s. Can’t figure out how else the light would light. I haven’t taken it apart far enough to find the magnet. Hope this helps you.

Paul Bibeau -

You can see the magnet in step 18, the first picture. Its right below where a screw used to be.

Tom Green -

I placed sodastream on side and removed top half. I could then see where parts needed to be after they “fell out” for reassembly. More pictures of those steps would be helpful. Thank

cheryl meeks -

Where do I get a replacement loader tab?

Lili -