
The faceplate connects all of the internal wiring of the microphone. If it is defective (or wires need to be reattached to it), this guide shows how to replace it.

  1. taekxa4KIBLo2n5a
    • Remove the yellow and green wires from the face plate.

    • Note which side the yellow and green wires connect to.

    Why should I replace the plate?

    Gerrit -

    This guide was done as part of the capsule replacement—I don’t think there is any reason to solely replace the plate unless there was corrosion on it.

    Daniel Berger -

  2. W5CKSIYkcRuKFi5L
    • Never open the microphone capsule. Attempting to open the capsule will likely result in permanent damage and make the microphone unusable.

    • Using an adjustable crescent wrench, remove the nut and washer from the face plate by twisting the nut counterclockwise.

  3. elN1hs12qPKSBqHd
    • Slide the face plate over the connector.


Follow the steps of the guide in reverse to reassemble the microphone. In order to solder wires back to faceplate use soldering guide.

nat coll

Member since: 27/09/12

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