Suppose the Shark ION R750‘s outer shell is cracked or damaged due to wear and tear, accidental drops, or other potentially damaging impacts. In that case, you must replace the casing to avoid further damage to the vacuum's internal components.
The Shark's outer shell protects the vacuum's internal components from debris, dust, and contaminants that will clog the vacuum, impact the motor, or damage the device's overall performance. Therefore, it is crucial to immediately replace the outer shell so the vacuum continues functioning correctly.
Flip over the vacuum on a flat and uncluttered service with the bottom facing upwards.
Remove all seven Torx T15 screws from the device’s front bumper.
Remove the nine Torx T6 bolts from outer shell.
Slightly pull front bumper to expose internal wiring.
Unplug the device’s front bumper wiring and completely remove front bumper.
Remove the four Torx T6 bolts on the yellow brush frame.
Gently depress the two tabs on the frame, then lift the frame to remove it.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.