Instructions on how to replace a defective Sega Dreamcast power supply with a working power supply.
Flip the console over on its back.
Take note of your model number, in case replacement parts are needed.
Remove the expansion bay by applying pressure to the small clip on the expansion bay while prying it away from the console.
Turn the console right side up.
Remove the top cover by gently lifting the upper portion of the console.
Remove the white female pin head by pinching and lifting directly up on the harness.
Remove the two Philips #02 screws from the board.
Remove the power board. Using both hands, gently lift the power board away from the console without damaging the male pin head
Remove the unit. Carefully remove the power board from the console by lightly grasping the board by the edge and lifting directly upward.
Remove the two 10mm #02 Philips screws to detach the switch module from the console.
Purchase a replacement power board.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.