Have your applications or watch become unresponsive? Replacing the motherboard may fix these issues.
Flip the watch over so that the face is down.
Using a Y#0 screwdriver, unscrew the four 3.5 millimeter tri-head screws.
Insert a plastic opening tool between the top and bottom portions of the case, and gently pry off the back.
Using the flat end of a spudger, pry up the motherboard.
The motherboard is attached to the battery casing, so place the motherboard in the orientation shown once freed.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
The warning to turn off the watch to avoid electrical shock was a joke, right?!
nanev -
The screws don't seem to be turning easily. What's the best way to loosen them without stripping them?
Mark Franz -
I’m going to be shocked by a dead 3.8V battery? Of course, only if the watch is powered on. Ridiculous statements like this do not reflect positively on the credibility of this entire procedure. If the author seriously thinks this is a danger then I question your basic understanding of electronics.
Alex Tatistcheff -
… to avoid being shocked when you lose your data! :)
Reuben Janzen-Martin -