
The band is the easiest part to replace and requires no tools. Be careful as the watch may fling out of the band when popping it off.

  1. K1j5LPYhGXPi4VC6
    • Place your thumbs on the ends of the screen.

    • Push the watch outward while pulling the band away from the watch.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Joel Ortiz

Member since: 25/04/14

268 Reputation


where do i get one of them from as my mate knocked me off my bike and it has made the top frame bend out of shape

Christopher Edwards -

I need a band replacement where can I get it

Perpetua -

I need a strap band

Ashik Ikbal -

I need a band but can't help please

Ashik Ikbal -

A dónde me puedo dirigir para cambiar el pulso, gracias

Luz Marina Gutierrez -