Use this guide to replace the earpiece speaker.
Using a plastic opening tool (or your fingernails), pry up the back cover of the device.
Remove the back cover.
Using a Phillips #0 screwdriver, remove all nine (9) screws attaching the midframe to the front of the device.
Using the plastic opening tool, separate the midframe from the front panel of the device.
Remove the midframe.
To detach the motherboard from the device:
Using the plastic opening tool, carefully pry up the digitizer connector from the motherboard.
Carefully lift the motherboard up and move it toward the left side of the device.
Using the plastic opening tool, carefully pry up the display connector on the back side of the motherboard.
Use a plastic opening tool to pry up the headphone jack, vibrator, and earpiece speaker assembly.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.