This is Samsung Galaxy Grand Neo Plus i9060i with broken screen.
Remove the battery and any installed SIM and memory cards.
There are 12x small Phillips screws, remove them.
With a plastic tool start the disassembling from the bottom side.
The rear bezel is locked to the frame near to the battery connector. Use a tool with a sharp tip and unhook it.
Now you can separate the rear bezel.
This is the Loudspeaker (in case if you want to change it).
Remove one Phillips screw.
Vloume UP/DWN buttons flex cable and Power ON button flex cable.
LCD flex cable
Front camera
Audio jack flex cable
Now gently remove the logic board.
Remove the front camera.
Disconnect the touchscreen flex cable and unstuck it from the middle frame.
Warm the glass. This will soften the adhesive tape. You can use hot air gun or hair dryer.
With a plastic tool start the separation at the upper side.
You can warm the glass again to separate the glass easier.
Gently unstuck the menu buttons flex cable and remove the glass.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
One comment
very much helpful..this guide saved my repairing charge...this page is awesome..
Pravesh -