Prerequisite only! Use this guide to replace the midframe in your Samsung Galaxy A51.
Insert a SIM card eject tool, a SIM eject bit or a straightened paper clip into the hole on the SIM tray located at the left side of the phone.
Press firmly to eject the tray.
Remove the SIM card tray.
Insert the tip of an opening pick between the frame and the back cover at the bottom of the phone near the USB-C port.
If you can't get between the back cover and midframe with your opening pick, you can use a suction handle or strong tape to pull up the back cover to create a gap.
Slide the opening pick to the bottom right corner and leave it there.
Insert a second opening pick and slide it from the bottom right corner to the bottom left corner to cut the adhesive.
Leave the opening picks in place to prevent the adhesive from resealing.
Insert a third opening pick under the bottom left corner of the back cover.
Slide the opening pick along the left edge of the phone.
Leave the opening pick in the top left corner to prevent the adhesive from resealing.
Insert a fourth opening pick under the top left corner of the back cover near the camera.
Slide the tip of the opening pick along the top edge of the phone to the right corner to cut the adhesive.
Leave the opening pick in the top right corner to prevent the adhesive from resealing.
With opening picks in all four corners, insert a fifth and final opening pick under the top right corner of the back cover.
Slide the tip of the opening pick along the right edge of the phone to the bottom right corner to cut the remaining adhesive.
Insert an opening pick between the midframe and front panel assembly on the bottom of the phone near the charge port.
Slide the opening pick to the left bottom corner to release the plastic clips.
Slide the opening pick to the bottom right corner to release the rest of the bottom plastic clips.
Continue sliding the opening pick on the right side of your phone until all plastic clips on the right side are released.
Slide the opening pick from the top left corner to the bottom left corner to release the left side's plastic clips.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Kijk uit voor de vingerafdruk scanner. Er zit een kleine flat cable aan die kapot gaat als je de behuizing er in 1 keer vanaf haalt
Arno van Duijn -