A guide showing how to replace the display unit for the Samsung A3 2015 model
Using a pick or slim plastic tool, work around the edge of the frame to loosen the glass.
Watch out for the ear speaker, camera and light sensor on the top of the phone.
When working the glass free around the bottom of the phone, slide the tool out to avoid damaging the left and right home buttons (as shown in picture 2).
NOTE: The LCD is also glued to the frame and will most likely break when removing the display.
Once the display has been disconnected, lift the top of the display away from the phone to expose the home buttons (Shown in green)
Pry the contacts gently off the underside of the glass and push them back into the recesses on the phone (shown in yellow).
Connect the new display and seat it in the phone, without removing the plastic for the adhesive.
Turn the phone on to make sure the display and home buttons work. If you glue the display without testing it first, it's a pain to take it off again once it has been glued and runs the risk of the display breaking.
If the display works, remove the plastic covering the adhesive and seat the display in the phone. Push gently around the edges to ensure a good seal
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order. Do not attempt this while driving or lovemaking :)
nice man really cool staff
Is the concept the same with newer models of the Samsung Galaxy A3?