
This portable radio is a legend and still a confident partner for several OMs and YLs worldwide. By this tipps you will learn how to recap your radio. Most errors are caused by old capacitors and free running fluid out of them.

  1. 5UkyCoJZ5cqSNsrv
    • Cover the plastic-front against scratches and daamages.

  2. dm6LbrTihoWsCNBQ
    • Loose the screws on the back and on the bottom

  3. YSDC4iiLmTgoVXsZ
    • Remove the screws, marked red. Locate the old capacitors, marked yellow. And locate the old battery, marked green.

  4. xngUpoODUHUrquA4
    • Replace the old caps. At best exchange to tantalium. The three caps on the left uper side and the above the CPU must be replaced against 220µF 6V. Replace the battery It is a wired CR2016.

    • Next lets have a look on the RF-unit. Loose the screws and desolder the antenna connector. Unmount the board. Then locate and replace the caps.

  6. siPPbocDDLwTREVX
    • Remember to replace the cap bottom left as well. The marked trimmer is for freqeuncy-alignment


For the final reassemble the radio. Use a second transmitter and receiver for test. Best practise is usind radio-test-equipment for deviation of audio, tolereance of RF-frequency and power-out and 1750Hz-tone.


Member since: 25/06/23

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