Very often, people must buy a completely new phone when something small like the soldering on the SIM slot breaks.
This guide provides brief instructions on how to fix a faulty or broken connection on a SIM card reader.
Start by getting your work space set up and clear of clutter.
Remove the back of the phone.
Remove the battery and set it aside.
Remove the six 2.3mm screws with a "T5" Screwdriver.
Remove the 2 additional 2.3mm screws from the side opposite the volume and power button.
Inspect the sim slot to find where the factory solder might be broken.
Once found dip the soldering gun in the flux to prevent the solder sticking to the gun.
Use the 60/40 lead solder to repair the damaged spot on the sim slot.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
One comment
I recently purchased a custom built phone which has the best parts of Android with the IMAX 13 camera my SIM tray broke and I can't seem to find anyone that has or knows which kind goes here is there any way you could help me
Bryan S. -