
This guide will show you how to locate and remove the RTC (CMOS) battery from the laptop. Please note: Removal of this battery will not clear a BIOS password on the HP Elitebook 6930P and some HP Business Class notebooks.

    • Flip laptop over and locate the battery release button

    • Push release button to the left to release battery and gently pull battery from the laptop

  2. knwSh53f2YplWXoQ
    • Loosen the three Phillips 2.5×9.0 captive screws that secure the keyboard to the laptop

    • Turn the laptop so the keyboard is facing up and locate the 4 retention tabs along the back edge of the keyboard

    • Slide the retention clips toward the keyboard to release the keyboard

  3. PjcCbK5OWko2cHTD
    • Use a plastic pry tool to lift the rear edge of the keyboard.

    • Pull the keyboard slightly towards the display to disengage the tabs along the front of the keyboard from the laptop palm rest.

    • Lift the keyboard up to reveal the ribbon connectors

    After loosening the four moveable tabs at the screen end you simply pull slightly to the right to loosen the left side and then up to loose the five tabs in the lower end, then flip keyboard over so keys face the screen.

    e5frog -

  4. L5P2IsDAJmVlJLeR
    • Release the larger ribbon cable by flipping the brown retainer up so it is parallel with the ribbon cable

    • Release the smaller ribbon cable by lifting up the white retainer

    • I found it easier to reinstall both cables with the new keyboard resting on the back edge

    There is no need at all to loosen any ribbon cables, after flipping keyboard so it faces keys against screen you can simply remove the RAM. Don't fiddle with the ribbon cables.

    e5frog -

    Unless, of course, that your actually replacing the keyboard! In which case, remember to keep that rubber pointing device for replacing the one that you’ll probably eventually lose.

    Dennis -

  5. BbQp3KCXpPmtauRv
    • Locate the the battery

    • If the battery wires are running underneath the WLAN module you will have to remove it first. In my case it was necessary to remove the WLAN module.

    • Disconnect the battery from the connector

    • Removal of this battery will not clear a BIOS password on the HP Elitebook 6930P and some other Business Class notebooks.

    • Gently un-clip the battery from the plastic housing to completely remove it from the laptop


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Member since: 10/04/10

32018 Reputation


This did not work for me. I left the CMOS battery disconnected for a day.

You need to contact HP to get this resolved.

Wm Brian Savacool -

This didn't work for me

Depinder Bharti -

I can't even boot

Hugo Escobar -

cool i like the explanation

Nartey Levis -

Τελικά μπορούμε με κάποιο τρόπο να αφαιρέσουμε κωδικό πρόσβασης BIOS για την HP EliteBook 6930p????

Αν όχι μήπως θα λειτουργούσε ένας δίσκος λειτουργικού γραμμένος από ένα άλλο HP EliteBook 6930p ώστε να μην χρειαστούμε πρόσβασης BIOS?????


It would have been helpful to let everyone know that this requires a new battery which contains the clips and the black plastic cover. The leads are spot welded to the battery so you just can’t change out the 2032 battery like you can with a desktop system. Batteries are available from Amazon or a computer store for about $14.

Steve Greathouse -

thankyou thankyou

armshooter -