
After rough flights the stabilizer beam may end up getting damaged. Without a working stabilizer beam, the gyro-copter will not fly as it should. The best way to fix this is by replacing the stabilizer beam completely.

  1. FqJRlyRktvGllZTv
    • Stabilizing links are easy to break. Be gentle when prying them off.

    • Place the tweezers on the sides of the links and pull straight away from the top point of connection.

  2. jG6eDejetNkOLxUw
    • Remove the two 6.0 mm Phillips #00 screws from the rotors.

  3. 45xLslniayUqQKT5
    • Pull the rotors away from the mounting brackets.

  4. viCigKGXUi5e5vmP
    • Remove the two 5mm PHillips #00 screws screws

  5. t6mhBvaQrihklKRj
    • Using the tweezers twist the rotor attachment bracket apart.

  6. QkfETYKPJkaJBb42
    • Remove the two 6mm #00 screws

  7. C1KlCMfVBxBU4wGm
    • Pull up on the stabilizer assembly to remove it completely from the drive shaft.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Sarah Atmadja

Member since: 09/04/15

404 Reputation

One comment

Where can I get these stabilizers

lost ghost -