After a big party in your apartment, have you ever found a chunk of drywall knocked out of your wall? If so, follow this repair guide to bring your party palace back to its original splendor and get your security deposit back.
Here you have a typical hole. It has broken into the drywall and needs to be repaired.
This hole is approximately 2" X 2".
For this fix, you will need (from left to right): an adhesive wall repair patch, spackle, string, a putty knife, and sand paper.
NOT PICTURED: Paint that matches the color of the wall you are fixing and the scrap of cardboard used in the hole.
Use a scrap piece of cardboard and tie about 9 inches of string around it.
You will need the strongest piece of cardboard available to ensure a better fix.
Put the cardboard in the hole.
Pull the string so that the cardboard is flush with the wall.
This step makes it easier to plaster.
Once the plaster is started, let it dry (will require several hours).
Find a way to keep it straight, as seen here with this door knob.
Prepare the sand paper and begin to sand off all excess bumps and lumps.
Cut off the extra string.
Peel off the adhesive wall patch from it's wax paper.
Center the patch on the hole and seal it down.
For this next step, you will apply plaster to the patched area.
Apply until the patch is no longer visible.
To finish this repair, you will want to apply paint. It will make the finished product more attractive, as seen here.
Now go throw another party, and work you way back to being the party king!
I suggest using a sanding sponge or block in step 8
Dennis -
Perfect mix of comedy and helpfulness!!
Not strong enough. Get another piece of drywall and cut it 2" larger than the hole all around . Turn drywall upside down and with a knife score the paper slightly smaller than the hole and bend back the drywall and peel off piece but leave the top layer of paper attached. Do that on all four sides and you will have a two inch flap all around edge of repair with drywall in the middle. Put patching compound on edge of the piece of drywall and flap and some on wall at hole. Place piece of drywall in hole and with a 6" putty knife scrape out excess putty by dragging putty knife from center of repair to outside of damaged area. Continue doing this until paper flap is smooth against wall with no excess in a lump underneath. When dry, add more putty in a circular motion around the paper flap until smooth. When dry you can sand it or use a wet sponge that is wrung out really well and smooth it out with no dust. Now paint it.
rswiebe -
I wholeheartedly agree. I have over 30 years experience as a commercial drywall finisher and I would do it the same way rswiebe says