Unscrew the screw circled in red.
Lift the disk with the green tab.
Remove the disk in the direction of the arrow.
Press a paper clip in the three places marked in red
Lift the keyboard and feel free to put some strength
Pull the white drawer in the direction of the arrow to unlock the connector
Disconnect the red circled connector
Pull the black drawer in the direction of the arrow to unlock the connector
Disconnect the red circled connector
Lift the flap that holds the connector circled in red
Disconnect the red circled connector
Remove the keyboard
Unscrew the screw circled in red.
Disconnect the two connectors circled in green.
Remove the WLAN card.
Unscrew the four large screws circled in green
Unscrew the five small screws circled in red
Lift the cooler with the two tabs circled in blue
Lift the card to allow access to the red circled connector
Disconnect the red circled connector
Lift the flap that holds the two connectors framed in red.
Disconnect the two framed connectors in red.
Lift the flap that holds the two connectors framed in red.
Disconnect the two framed connectors in red.
Disconnect the box connector in green.
Unscrew the twenty screws circled in red.
Unclip the edge of the case at the two places framed in green.
Unscrew the five screws circled in red.
Remove the framed card in blue.
Remove the framed card in orange.
To reassemble your device, follow the instructions in reverse order.