There is a border between the black phone backing and the silver screen.
Place the Jimmy in this border, and cautiously torque it back and forth to part the two halves.
When the halves are parted correctly, the gap should look like this.
On the upper right side, there is a black ribbon cable in the shape of an “L”. Remove the single 1 mm Phillips #000 screw on the left side of the ribbon cable.
Use a pair of angled tweezers to carefully remove the metal casing of the ribbon cable.
Use a pair of angled tweezers to detach the black ribbon cable. This is done to unplug the battery.
There is a black flap on the bottom of the battery.
Using your fingers, pinch this flap and carefully pull the battery up and out of the phone.
Remove the anti-static wrist strap.
Use the Phillips #000 screwdriver to remove the five black 2 mm screws.
Use the Phillips #000 screwdriver to remove the two grey 2 mm screws.
Detach the metal casing at the bottom of the phone.
Unplug the cable connector.
Use a pair of angled tweezers to unplug the black wire.
Using a pair of angled tweezers, disconnect the connector chip.
With the angled tweezers, gently lift (but do not remove) the green circuit board from the phone.
Using a pair of angled tweezers, disconnect the attachment to the microphone labeled "JD," and completely remove the circuit board.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.