
Electric toothbrushes are powered by a rechargeable battery, that enables the reciprocating brushing motion of the bristles. If your electric toothbrush loses power quickly or doesn't hold charge, most likely the rechargeable battery needs to be replaced.

  1. Va2LEc6dOLVXtL5A
    • Pull off head, and use pliers to remove the white cap. Pull out the circuit core.

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    sergio_storato -

    You can use the hole in the bottom of the charging base (underside) that the top fits into and catches. Just twist gentilly back and forth until it loosens, then pull up with your fingers or pliers. Note, this is not like the Braun sonic care where the bottom comes off… should Have looked at the guides first as a I cracked the bottom trying to twist off the bottom like that brush.

    Aaron Giesick -

    Die weiße Kappe kann nicht einfach nur abgezogen werden. Sie muss nach links gedreht werden!

    Freubert -

    I saw on a Youtube video you can use the center hole of the charging base instead of pliers. It fits perfectly on mine.

    George Tedrick -

    Don't grab it with pliers--you will break off the narrow retainer stub. Instead use a thin blade to pry up an edge of the cap, then insert a wide flat blade to pry up the core out of the handle. Plier could be used for pulling but not for twisting. This also works for the Dentiguard version from Aldis.

    Kiev Kenny -

    I don't believe it opens like this. Pulling on the top thing like on the picture did break mine. It's alright though because I kind of knew while I was pulling and I kept on pulling knowing it would break any second. But if you need yours, you better look for some other instruction. Would be nice to update this one as well.

    Simeon -

  2. D1MIjxDx4OZwCWEm
    • De-solder in these four (4) locations.

    • The two (2) motor connections

    • The Positive (+) side of the battery

    • The Negative (-) side of the battery

    I am hoping the author of his guide receives theses comments. I have a Braun brush with dud battery, and am hoping to replace. I am afraid it is not at all clear from the photographs which are the points that need de-soldering. Thanks for any help.

    Peter Bull -

    Having now noticed and browsed the guide history, I see that there were indicators for where to desolder (on one photo only). I can’t understand why these clarifying marks were then removed from the final draft?!?!?!

    Peter Bull -

    IFixit technical team advised us to remove the indicators on the photo before we could publish it .

    Nicole Antoine -

    How do I contact the technical team to complain about their censoring of indicators. Bonkers!

    Unless you are extremely skilled at soldering I advise against attempting to do this battery replacement. I had two brushes with rapidly discharging batteries. After the first one failed to work with replacement battery, I tried on the second, only to discover that, by the time the solder had heated enough to liquify and remove, the fine circuits on the circuit board had fried and the brush was useless. (And I have done my fair share of soldering)

    Peter Bull -

  3. NxnTfOasiW6siFdP
    • De-Solder lower battery connection terminal. Bend back battery terminal to clear circuit board.

  4. SJnhEdSFgWZMg6nU
    • De-Solder the three (3) upper terminals from the circuit board.

  5. BxQaAUeuHDhGklUN
    • Use plastic prying tools to carefully pry off the circuit board. (Utilize metal spedger as a last resort)

    • There is a white tab that goes through the board, be careful when removing the circuit board.

  6. OCpaULHXEX2X3bqp
    • Pull the circuit board and battery assembly out. Then proceed to remove the battery from the circuit board

  7. 1pnCQ5tGNjnF2SAm
    • When re-installing battery, remember to bend down lower terminal. And the negative (-) terminal is closest to the copper wires

    • Ensure you recharge the toothbrush after the repair. Even if the replacement battery is already fully charged, the toothbrush will fail to power on if you don’t recharge the toothbrush.

    Der neue Akku sollte entweder passende Lötfahnen haben oder die alten sollten an den neuen angelötet werden.

    Tina Fabritius -

    Lötfahnen kann man nicht anlöten, das geht nur im Werk.

    VauWeh -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order. Remember to apply just enough solder to re-attach the terminals.

Miles Gunty

Member since: 07/11/17

492 Reputation


This is very easy to do. I had no problems following your instructions.

Ian Bowker -


Is this a regular rechargeable AA?

Thanks again.

Stephen Shaw -

The original battery is a NiCd with tabs. I just spot welded tabs onto a standard AA NiMH battery and it worked fine.

T C -


I did fix an Oral B Braun PRO timer (2022) and the only part that is different is the head. It has two nail presses inside, one at the switch side and the other at the opposite side, that are very difficult to lose.

Peter M. -

I tried to open mine, but it did not work. The top thing broke. I could kind of feel it would happen while I was pulling but I wanted to know if it realy does so I kept on pulling.

I am not sure if this really is opening up the way as it's described here.

Simeon -

Would it be possible to put a larger battery in it?

ssssaaaa -

Also works for Oral B Vitality Pro 100. :)

ssssaaaa -