
To get into the device, the bottom of the toothbrush needs to be removed. This is difficult and the toothbrush can get damaged in the process. For models where the bottom has a hole, you could try this alternative method first. If you are lucky, it will work without causing any damage.

  1. mauZfPPfkwgKCkQt
    • The basic idea: A suitable machine screw is screwed into the hole on the bottom cover.

  2. mQbhkcRx2su61KZZ
    • First measure the diameter of the hole, this one here is 5.3 mm.

    • Now look for a slightly larger machine screw. In this case something with a diameter of 6.2 mm. You possibly may also find one among non-metric screws.

  3. RtZUGZ4RwluCpYXd
    • Now turn the screw into the hole. It will cut its own thread and it will get quite tight. If it gets too tight, the cover may eventually break, so be careful.

  4. JN3fhneWUYuP65rl
    • Then you can pull the cover off by hand with a lot of force and feeling. Good luck!

    • Here you can clearly see the two clamps that hold the innards in place. Those must be compressed when removing the cover.

    • It is advisable to also replace the seal on the drive at the same time. If it leaks, moisture will get into the device. Look closely at the seal, there are two different types.

    • The housing can be cleaned with descaler for coffee machines. Grease the seals with food-grade silicone grease.

    while I'm still mad at Philips for making it so near impossible to open - this method worked on our HX6220 that had no screw at its base. it was useful to grip the base (over cardboard) w a monkey wrench to create a gap to put a metal crowbar spudger inside to pry the bottom out. be careful where you poke, avoid the side with the power button - there are two super thin wires connected to the PCB for the charging induction coil that are insanely fragile - we got lucky and just damaged a plastic tab next to it.

    Chinarut -


Work through the steps in reverse order to reassemble your device.


Member since: 19/10/15

199864 Reputation


Thank you very much! The trick with using a screw to remove the bottom lid was amazing.

Adrian -

Congrats! I'm glad that I could help.

VauWeh -

yes, thank you for the tip to use a screw. it was really difficult and resorted to also using some metal spudgers and lucky I didn’t jab my hands (pro tip: put some leather work gloves on!)

another pro tip I learned from a YouTube video, is to take wire cutters and snip off the 2 clips that make it so difficult to get this thing off.

there is enough friction at play that the clips are not needed and you can just pull out the assembly much easier in the future.

Chinarut -

That worked absolutely fine for me. I used a 8 thread tap to prepare the hole and then an M8x70mm screw to pull out.

Duenengeist -

Danke, deine Anleitung hat geholfen. Jetzt vibriert die Zahnbürste wieder schön. ich hab den Spalt zwischen dem Magneten und dem Motor etwas erweitert. Leider musste ich feststellen, das die weiße Dichtung oben eingerissen ist. Kannst du mir sagen , wo ich so eine Dichtung bekommen kann?

Johannes Preissinger -

Google nach "Sonicare Dichtung". Du findest z.B. das hier. Achtung: es gibt zwei Versionen.

VauWeh -

Super, vielen Dank! Bei mir hatte sich die Schraube oben gelöst und beim Auseinanderbauen ging sie mir verloren: Es handelt sich um eine 2mm metrische Schraube, habe ich im Schraubenladen bekommen (6mm Länge), jetzt passt alles wieder.

Matthias Bärwolff -