
So I created this when I took this apart, mainly because I need to clean its dusty sockets filled with dust.

  1. WPEJgGlk42gHBGMP
    • I get this in a university store....Yep, you are right. A university store.

    • This one was great for its price. It costs about 20$ and have all the function I need.

    • However, this thing probably run on the oldest USB 1.1 interface, so don't expect the transmission to be fast.

    • Still, you can plug in your music into the MIC plug and record it as a MP3 directly or a WMA.

  2. cukVt6mmsXytUCxG
    • Anyway. Since mine is weird and will turn off on itself, how about we just open it up and fix this?

    • Ah. Good, old styled batteries.

    • You have to remove the batteries for the removal of the two screws at the bottom. Thus will cause the loss of data in RAM, which in this one refers to time. But we are going to tear it apart, so that will not matter.

    • The screws loosen the front cover, but due to its simplicity you can do it at any angle you want.

    • Take off the power switch before you loose it.

    • I still don't know what the screw on the speaker is for, but I will keep it on anyway.

    • Next off is the screen.

  4. 5BMAC5kE3oEl5SQB
    • If you guys are talking about iPhones, then this one is extremely simple.

    • Still, have to watch your six. Here, it is the video cable. Go ahead, undetatch the screen.

    • You can flip the screen over to the keyboard side. It make everything easier and will not damage anything.

    • Then is the plastic scaffolding. I met a tiny little amount of double sided tape in my device, but getting it off is simple task, just use your common sense on this.

    • Go ahead, get this screw off.

    • Next is the two silicon chips. The keyboard have a connector on the top right corner, so watch out.

    • The four proms for battery is soldered in place, and two run beneath the speaker. So, have to get this thing off.

    • Just pull on the metal tab inbeded in the pile of foam-like foam, and then oull the speaker out. With it, comes out the keyboard.

    • Is it absolute necessary to have these stupid foam like foam back? Because according to my common sense, these thing don't so anything. Well, maybe sound proofing and others. But mine is already snapped in half and was like a pile of ABC bubble gum.

    • There are 4 pieces of sponge down there. (Pick it up) using tweezers.

    • Well, I have none. Still, it is OKAY to do it with or without one.

  6. IsNI2GZOB3TbkfdH
    • Now, pop off the motherboard. There are three ports that hold it down, but avoid them is simple. Very simple, actually.

    • Do anyone know what those copper foil serve? They are soldered to the board so I didn't dare removing it. And, there is nothing interesting beneath...

    • Anyway, if you need to put it together, just reversely follow the steps (while looking for those foam-like sponge fills)


The device is simple, cheap and well-machined. The 2 GB internal storage also make it possible to fit in about 2000 minutes of Mp3. Good device to have. Easy to repair.

Well, if you are not using your phone for music...

Xavier Jiang

Member since: 06/10/16

1745 Reputation


Excellent. Thank you

Bs Channi -

Got spit on my olympus vn 722 pc. Dried it out but now it's stuck on Hold. Any suggestions?

Tom Rawlings -

I think you should disassemble it and clean the switch throughly. The liquid might have got into it and shorted the contact.

Use an ultrasonic cleaner, if you have one. Otherwise soak in soap water (perhaps) for some time, and then soak in warm water a couple times to remove the soap.

Xavier Jiang -