
How to take out and replace the Logic Board for the Nokia 8265 Cell Phone.

  1. KLaKcGIlq3tppG1Y
    • Start by removing the face plate of the phone with a plastic tool.

    • Once plastic tool is wedged into the side of the phone, twist and leverage the face plate off.

  2. FhCyEFD6WSC2Btmp
    • Once the face plate is off, you will have exposed the keypad.

    • Simply remove the keypad from on top of the phone, and place it off to the side, leaving just the phone itself remaining

  4. 5EuYf2LjoR3RuZED
    • Taking a very small screwdriver, carefully unscrew the six screws attaching the top layer of the screen from the body of the phone.

    • Make sure to remember what screw goes where.

  5. S1lAbxwrFIMYZVgZ
    • Once the six screws are removed, you may take off the screen section of the phone, exposing the inner workings of the cell phone.

    • The screen section will be able to be removed after Step 4 is finished.

    • Be careful when removing the Logic Board from the body, lifting it with fingers on both sides to prevent damage of the Logic Board.

    • Separate the Logic Board from the main body of the device.

    • Insert in the replacement Logic Board, setting the Logic Board carefully back into place.

    • Set the screen carefully over the body of the phone, avoiding any sliding on the Logic board

  9. ifODKX5ANTKxkGdS
    • Replace screws in the corresponding slots, tightening them till they are not loose.

  10. XWmIjMGWfYs4INul
    • Replace keypad onto the device

  11. V3YiZYcCGW2xouBl
    • Lastly, you can place the cover onto the phone. You will know when it is in place if you hear a click after placing it in.


Member since: 20/04/12

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