This guide will help you to access the screen if you have cracked it and want to replace the whole screen. Additionally this guide can help you to access the screen if your screen is not turning on to check to see if the screen is attached properly. This guide will give you step by step instructions on how to take the device apart in order to access the screen.
Insert the prying tool in the notch above the battery.
Once the prying tool is inserted, lift up the battery.
Starting from the bottom of the phone, begin prying around the base of the phone alternating form left to right.
As the base loosens, slowly increase the separation between the plates and the body of the phone.
Using the spudger, pry back three tabs located on the left edge and three tabs located on the right edge of the body.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
If your screen is damaged and you can't see anything then don't bother unless you have a soldering/desoldering tools. The guide only shows you how to replace the glass. Not the screen. If you have your soldering kit then follow till the end and then after that desolder the old screen and solder on the new one.
Macro Man -