
Internal prereq when SIM board is out.

  1. wf6sXReAxPl5utWB
    • Insert the flat edge of a plastic opening tool underneath the headphone jack connector and pry upwards.

  2. volsggW5sqJEDTmn
    • Repeat the same procedure as the previous step to disconnect the digitizer connector.

  3. WNhIeCTLryLhpKUA
    • Use a plastic opening tool to pry the speaker connector (highlighted in red) from its socket on the motherboard.

    • Remove the three Phillips screws securing the motherboard to the inner assembly.

  4. ZJIRkObC42iAeodt
    • Lift and remove the motherboard from the Nexus S, minding any cables that may get caught.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Walter Galan

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