This guide will show you how to replace the motherboard, as yours may be malfunctioning. This is one of the longer processes so be patient. Tools are required. There are quite a few screws in this process so be sure to not lose any, and remember which ones came from where.
Remove the circled screws using a T-5 torques. These screws will be 4.3 millimeters in length.
Remove the circled screws using a T-5 torques.. These screws should be 5.8 millimeters in length.
Using a plastic opening tool, snap open the phone. It should separate into a front piece with the hardware and a plastic backing.
Using a spudger, remove the camera. Lift up the motherboard and slide the spudger under the camera.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
Be careful not to lose the small rubber piece that sits over the microphone.
Jeanine Gattas -