Maybe it's cracked. Maybe it's old. Either way, a nasty looking clutch cover is not good. Use this guide to replace the clutch/hinge cover.
Remove the following ten screws securing the lower case to the upper case:
Three 13.5 mm Phillips screws.
Seven 3 mm Phillips screws.
Wedge your fingers between the lower case and the vent, and lift upward to release the two clips holding the lower case to the upper case.
Remove the lower case.
If present, grab the plastic tab attached to the battery connector and pull it toward the front edge of the device. For Late-2011 models the battery connector will not have a tab and is simply a plug that inserts straight down into the motherboard--to remove pry the plug straight up.
Use the tip of a spudger to push the small plastic cable retainer away from the camera cable socket for enough clearance to remove the camera cable.
Pull the camera cable toward the optical drive opening to disconnect it from the logic board.
Carefully pull the Bluetooth cable toward the fans to disconnect it from the Bluetooth board.
Use the flat end of a spudger to peel the thin plastic cover off the top and sides of the Bluetooth board housing. For late-2011 models check out the other picture because the connector location is in a totally different location.
Use the flat end of a spudger to pry the Bluetooth antenna connector up and off its socket on the Bluetooth board.
Remove the two 7.1 mm Phillips screws securing the camera cable retainer to the upper case.
Remove the camera cable retainer from the upper case.
Lift the black plastic flap attached to the display data cable retainer and rotate it toward the DC-In side of the MacBook.
Pull the display data cable out of its socket.
Remove the two 7.1 mm Phillips screws securing the display data cable retainer to the upper case.
Remove the display data cable retainer.
Remove the two outer 6.8 mm T6 Torx screws from each of the two display brackets (four screws total).
While holding the display and upper case together with your left hand, remove the remaining T6 Torx screw from the lower display bracket.
Grab the upper case with your right hand and rotate it slightly toward the top of the display so the upper display bracket clears the edge of the upper case.
Rotate the display slightly away from the upper case.
Lift the display up and away from the upper case, minding any brackets or cables that may get caught.
Lifting the left edge of the clutch cover, gently rock it back and forth on its long axis while pulling it away from the display.
Remove the clutch cover from the display, minding any cables that may get caught.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
important to reassemble the "lower case" successfully: the threads of the seven 3mm phillips screws are drilled at an angle :-/
mysterioes -
Same issue with me. After reassembling my 13-inch and my 17-inch, one of the screws are sticking out ever so slightly. Very annoying, especially since I scratch whatever surface I'm on now.
Kyle Spadaro -