This board connects the optical drive and hard drive to the logic board.
Power down your Mac mini, disconnect all of the cables, and flip it over.
Insert the Jimmy into the crack between the aluminum top housing and the plastic lower housing.
The Jimmy should reach a stop about 3/8" down.
Gently bend the Jimmy outwards to pry the crack open a little larger and lift the lower housing up a small amount.
Once you have the first side free, rotate the Mac mini and start prying up on the front edge.
Use the same prying motion to both bend the clips inward and lift the lower housing up out of the top housing.
You may need to move the Jimmy along the edge to pry up all of the clips. Be patient and do a little bit at a time.
Grasp the Airport antenna board and lift it off of the two plastic posts holding it in place. You may need to push back the black plastic tab jutting through the lower left corner of the board.
Remove the three black Phillips screws securing the plastic framework to the logic board and lower case.
Grasp the optical drive and mass storage unit in one hand and lift up enough so that you can see beneath it.
With your free hand, pull the Bluetooth cable up from Bluetooth board and unplug the Airport antenna cable from the right of the Airport card. Caution: both of these connections are very small. When re-assembling unit after repair, you may want to remove the two screws holding the airport card to the assembly and lift the card up and out to re-attach the cables.
Remove the four silver Phillips screws attaching the optical drive to the black plastic framework (two on each side).
Remove the yellow tape securing the Bluetooth antenna cable to the black plastic framework.
Lift the silver Bluetooth antenna board out of its slot.
Flip the mass storage assembly over and disconnect the speaker and fan cables from the interface board.
Flip the mass storage assembly back over. Grasp either side of the plastic framework and push the optical drive away from you with your thumbs on either side of the bezel until you hear it pop free.
Lift the optical drive and attached interface board up from the assembly.
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
A spackle knife makes these steps go much faster.
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