

The scope of this guide encompasses the Logitech V220 mouse and its owners/users.

    • Wash your hands before replacing the battery to prevent debris getting into the mouse and damaging its internal components.

    • Orient the mouse so you are viewing its base.

    • Using your fingers, gently remove the USB wireless receiver by sliding it towards you.

    • USB removal will result in the power switch to be in its ON position.

    • Place the USB to the side for reassembly.

    • With your fingertip, engage the power switch to its OFF position to ensure the mouse is not powered.

  2. BDltx5MBJDPZQlki
    • Hold the mouse so your palm is beneath, but not directly contacting, the top-side of the mouse.

    • Still viewing the base of the mouse, locate the button with the battery status logo.

    • Press the button firmly.

    • The battery cover from the top-side should fall into your palm.

    • Place the cover to the side for reassembly.

  3. ONdk3ukQNqOcMTg2
    • Place the mouse on a flat surface.

    • Firmly grip the front of the mouse with the fingertips of one hand.

    • Use a fingertip of your other hand to simultaneously push the positive (+) terminal of the battery in and up. Do so until the terminal is completely out of the mouse.

    • Remove the battery by pulling it out of the mouse.

    • Set the battery aside for proper disposal.

  4. yQrtiucKYupQl6MJ
    • Firmly grip the front of the mouse with the fingertips of one hand.

    • With your other hand, take a new, AA battery.

    • Insert the battery into the slot by its negative (-) terminal end.

    • Push the battery in and down with your fingertip on the edge of the positive (+) side until the battery is fully in the slot.

  5. mwe5AhXgSAhRK4JQ
    • Maintain your grip on the front of the mouse with your finger tips.

    • Grab the battery cover by its edges with the fingertips of your free hand.

    • Locate the following:

    • Battery cover insertion prongs.

    • Insertion prong holes.

    • Insert the battery cover by placing the insertion prongs into the holes near the middle of the mouse at an angle.

    • Once the prongs are aligned and fully inserted, lower and press the back end of the battery cover until it a snapping sound is heard. The cover should be secured in place.

  6. V5bIISqcPXwXRNjV
    • Turn the mouse over to view its base.

    • Take the USB wireless receiver.

    • With the Logitech logo facing you, align the USB with the slider slot.

    • Gently slide the USB away from you until you cannot slide it any further. The USB should be secure in its slot.


The battery of your mouse has been replaced with one that is fresh and brand new! Let further use of your mouse ensue!

Tyler Price

Member since: 07/04/14

1038 Reputation

One comment

Thank you so much! I needed to see how battery went in. My mouse will still not work. I dropped it on the floor and I am sick because I love that mouse! Any Ideas on how to fix? Guy Rogers, Attorney, Jackson, MS. Call me if you will. 601-941.6689

Guy Rogers -