Replacing the screen necessary when it is cracked or shattered. Replacement screens for Linsay tablets can easily be found online. Be sure to use caution when handling broken glass fragments as they can be sharp and cut you.
Insert your plastic opening tool in between the black and white portions of your device.
Gently pry the top screen from the base of the tablet.
Your tablet should now look like the third photo.
Use your 00 phillips head screwdriver to remove the three 4mm phillips screws circled in red.
Use the blunt end of the spudger to remove the circuit panel and battery from the glass screen portion of the device.
There will be several small hooks holding the screen onto the back panel.
Gently pull the two pieces of the tablet apart.
Your tablet should now look like image two.
You are now ready to attach your new screen!
To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.
One comment
Excellent work!