
Levoit Vital 100 True HEPA Air purifier is a popular air purifier brand sold and it's recommended that you change the filter every 3-6 months. This will provide you with a step by step guide on how to replace a filter within a Levoit Vital 100 True HEPA Air purifier.

  1. pagsHi5yWY2MkDCO
    • Unplug the air purifier and remove the cover by pulling the side handle away from machine.

  2. J3K5KB1HVFrFDaji
    • Remove the old air filter by pulling the looped, white tab towards yourself.

    • This comes out without resistance and there are no hooked attachments.

    Can you give some more details about how to pull the tab? Can they yank it, or should they do so gently? Should they pull straight out, or up? Does the tab have adhesive? You also don't need to let them know to throw it in the trash!

    Alex Watkins -

    Can you potentially add an image here showing your hands removing the filter?

    Alex Watkins -

  3. JrReCO5DV3WhHAkP
    • Clean out any remaining dust and hair inside purifier using a vacuum or towel.

  4. WTf5VkMWInYnsSIT
    • Unwrap the new filter and place it inside the air purifier with the tabs at the top and facing outward.

    • The filter should fit in snugly as there are no attachments surrounding the fitting.

    Can you add a shot here of your hands putting the filter in? The hand on the tab doesn't give me a lot of information. Does it need to be on a certain track or aligned in some way?

    Alex Watkins -

    Below, you say to make sure the filter is fitted properly. How can they do that? What would that look like? I feel like I need some more details here.

    Alex Watkins -

  5. LDfkUXHiSDB1lRY4
    • Make sure air purifier cover is fitted properly by sinking the two legs into the holes shown at the arrows in photo one and then replacing the filter cover on the front by simply pushing it forward.

    • The air purifier will not power on unless the filter cover is replaced correctly.

    What are the arrows showing here? iFixit prefers flipbook shots, rather than arrows, and in this case, I think more descriptive text, more images, and clearer guide text discussing "proper" filter fit would be valuable.

    Alex Watkins -

    Here's a guide that explains the flip book effect, which I think would be a lot more helpful than the arrows here: How to Take Awesome Photos

    Alex Watkins -

  6. IRCxTWlUm55pSpph
    • After plugging the air purifier back in, reset the Check Filter Indicator by pressing the filter icon at the top and holding it for 3 seconds.


Enjoy the fresh air!

Cody B

Member since: 05/03/23

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