
Before you start get a correct replacement screen. Find the exact model name of your tablet. You can find it in "About the tablet", at the bottom of the Android settings app. Search online for the part and buy from a reputable seller.

  1. TFCqsMnEXfVtFqHT
    • Open the built-in kickstand.

  2. Tl2Pfk4toNRLpZ5A
    • Remove the sticker located directly under the the built-in kickstand to reveal two 0.75 mm screws.

    • Remove the microSD card slot cover. Remove any microSD card (if inserted).

    • Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the three 0.75 mm screws.

    On 3 plus model the third screw is not under microSD card but rather under a small sticker on the right side. Plus has longer battery.

    George -

    on the Tab 3 plus , the third screw is not under the sd card but a little further over under another sticker and is painted white

    dan o brien -

  3. yVF45qKSubHrYrZH
    • Orient the device so the screen is facing you.

    • Carefully insert the spudger along the seam between the screen and back cover and gently separate the back cover from the device frame.

    • Continue to detach the backplate from the frame by moving the spudger around the perimeter.

    • Some force will be required to detach the small plastic braces securing the backplate to the device.

    On some models there is glue pad under the sim/sdcard tray.

    Ervins Stepanovs -

    Ein Hinweis auf den Federrahmen an der Kamera wäre nützlich. Er ist sehr empfindlich. Ich habe ihn beim Öffnen zerstört und jetzt stellt die Kamera nicht mehr scharf.

    Thomas Spieker -

    Hallo Thomas, tut mir leid, dass deine Kamera nicht mehr schart stellt. Aber die Anleitungen funktionieren wie Wikipedia: Wenn du mehr Infos hast, stelle sie gern allen anderen zur Verfügung!

    Fabian Neidhardt -

    (at least on the Plus model) the most difficult plastic clips are near the micro-SD/SIM. So it is easier to release the other side, where the camera not is. or pull the casing "down" towards the battery/stand.

    Hans Wurst -

  4. Froics2dhyw4fClX
    • Before detaching the LCD and digitiser connectors, remove the two small screws at the top left (red bordered area in photo). Remove the metal shield and disconnect the battery wire.

    hi i forgot to disconnect the battery


  5. k4eqxmuc2TuZmSoR
    • With tweezers, lift the locking flaps and detach the connected ribbon cables for both the LCD and digitizer (blue bordered areas in previous step photo)

    • Using a spudger lift the gold- colored base up away from the adhesive.

    • This particularly ribbon connection will likely be difficult to detach from the casing. Proceed with patience and caution during removal process.

    • Check your replacement LCD to see if it includes a new ribbon cable (black one in second photo). If not, you'll need to peel up the tape securing it, and disconnect it at the LCD end instead of the motherboard end.

    The silver top left cover. And the digitizer ribbon is attached to a metal plate. Remove the metal plate as pealing the ribbin is impossible. I found it easier to peal from the back black section of the tape

    Matthew Walsh -

    ¿Pudo haber roto la placa lcd o el conector que ya seguí todos los pasos, y siento el sonido de prendido y apagado, pero no veo imagen

    monic119 -

    Remove the two small screws at the top left.

    What are they talking about picture would have been nice…

    Charles Crawford -

    Sir we have to replace our screen

    Vishwart Singh -

  6. nOyhWGgecqNKqbPM
    • Using the iOpener place it along the edges of the device to weaken the adhesive.

    • The applied heat is strictly to loosen the adhesive portion around the perimeter and should not come in contact with the LCD.

    • Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes, and be careful not to damage the LCD screen.

  7. YwOoQUvZuFXOf4xe
    • Using the plastic opening tools separate the screen from the device.

    • Proceed with patience. Applying too much pressure and force here can result in damage to the delicate glass panel or underlying LCD.

  8. mZWvXtENss5tY1wa
    • Lift the screen gently from the device.

    • Make sure the cable ribbon is pulled through safely.

    • Some adhesive may still be connected so be patient when removing the screen.

    Bonjour, avez vous facilement démonter et remonter l'écran de votre tablette ?

    mariamarnaud -

    Bonjour. Je recherche à remplacer mon numériseur (verre cassé mais dalle LCD ok).

    Où peut on acheter cette pièce ?

    David Picquenot -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.


Member since: 20/02/17

1184 Reputation


Hello where can I find a replacement screen and digitizer please?

Hend Farid -

Decir ahaepwjw098

monic119 -

how can i change digitizer only?

Fernando Benitez -

Isn’t this about changing the glass screen instead of the LCD as the title says?

Mohamed hemsas -

The glass screen/digitizer and LCD are often sold as an assembled unit for this model. Keeping the existing LCD and just replacing the glass/digitizer (or vice versa) would require extra steps to separate them from each other, and possibly extra steps to recalibrate the screen when finished.

Skyler Bode -

check this video for glass and digitizer replacement only.

Mikael Jonsson -


i forgot to disconnect the battery will my tablet still turn


Please now how much cost for replacement touch screen with power key (power key sometimes not power on the table) ?

Ja'far Hisham Alzghoul -