The internal battery of a laptop supplies power to the device when it is not plugged into an outlet. When the battery begins to lose power, has started to drain quickly or is damaged (like in the case of a swollen battery), you will want to replace the battery of your Lenovo ThinkPad T480.
This guide will walk you through the steps to replacing the internal laptop battery of your Lenovo ThinkPad T480.
Prior to beginning this guide, be sure to disable the internal battery first, then turn off the device and remove it from the charging cable.
Using your fingers, slide the lock on each side of the battery to the unlocked position.
Remove the battery from the slot.
Insert the blue plastic opening tool into the space between the lower case and the chassis.
Slide the opening tool around the perimeter of the case to release the clips holding the case and the chassis together.
Remove the back case.
Using the Phillips #1 screwdriver, remove the two 4.6 mm screws securing the internal battery to the frame.
Use the spudger to slide the battery socket connector parallel to the motherboard and out of its socket on the motherboard.
To reassemble your device, follow the above steps in reverse order.
Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.
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"What you need" contains a wrong part.
Hi @cumledomla, I've added the internal battery for this guide. Thanks for pointing that out! The external battery will show up in the "What you need" section because it's imported from the prerequisite guide for the external battery. Hope this helps.
The "Battery 2" on my T480 does not load. Is Battery 2 the internal or the external battery?