
This guide will explain how to replace your System Memory (also known as RAM). Faulty RAM modules may cause reduced system stability and performance.

  1. CMV1ZjxCWrgnOoJ5
    • Ensure your device is unplugged and shut down.

    • Place the laptop down with the cooling vents facing upwards.

  2. qI2qkh5WXs1W2KFC
    • Use your finger to slide the latch towards the unlocked position (away from the other latch). If done correctly you will see red.

    • Slide the second latch to the unlocked position while gently pulling the battery away from the laptop.

    For the picture displaying the two slide latches maybe demonstrate the direction they need to slide

    Christopher Graveline -

    Which direction should you pull the battery? (e.g., away from the device).

    Alex Watkins -

    • Using the #0 Phillips screwdriver, remove the nine 4mm screws on the back panel.

    I think you can remove the caution, since it was removed in the previous step.

    Alex Watkins -

    Make sure to write the last sentence as a complete sentence.

    Alex Watkins -

  4. 3cCXsTL2hlQQUokw
    • Gently pull the two rubber feet closest to battery away from the device. Using a #0 Phillips screwdriver, remove the 5mm screw under each rubber foot.

    Specifying the tool used would be a great addition to this step.

    Vanessa Onyullo -

    I agree, and I also think you want to add action shots here.

    Alex Watkins -

  5. AOpMu2xpATLD2EEa
    • Slowly begin working your plastic opening tool along the panel to undo the latches around the laptop.

  6. m1CuTxjj25bXOBjo
    • Release the RAM from the motherboard by pressing the two locking latches away from each other.

    Only use the circle markup for screws.

    Jonathan Beasey -

    Remember to remove the locate step, per feedback.

    Alex Watkins -

  7. lsb22mkHPmRyNBID
    • After the latches are unlocked, the RAM module will shift so it sits at an angle. Gently pull RAM module at this angle to free it from the socket.

    • When reinstalling, be sure to align the notch on the RAM stick with the slot on your motherboard. Improper installation may cause damage to the motherboard or RAM.

    Make sure to follow ROYGIV order, here, but I also think this is an opportunity to condense. The first step seems like it could be a note on the last step.

    Alex Watkins -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Zack Colman

Member since: 08/07/19

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