
Sometimes, computers parts break down due to wear and tear. One commonly replaced part in a laptop is the optical drive. A faulty optical drive can be one that no longer opens/closes, or one that no longer reads CDs, DVDs, or CD-ROMs. Before replacing completely, please consult the troubleshooting guide to ensure that there is no easier fix.

  1. Ympb1fwh4E31NKSm
    • Locate the removable portion on the bottom of the laptop.

  2. S4kpHfQNFOyNJyKO
    • Using a size 00 Phillips Head screwdriver, remove the two M2.5x4 screws connecting the removable plate to the frame of the computer.

  3. UpnaWiVAAuIVK6YF
    • Using both hands, slide the plate off of the back of the laptop.

  4. YRI1BBsO14loMPsF
    • Remove the M2.5x6 screw that fastens the optical drive to the laptop.

  5. GcqfsCGFdCOnShwD
    • Using a spudger, push against the portion of the drive that was fastened. Be sure to push the drive outward as though it was opening. This completely ejects the device and prepares the laptop for a replacement part.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Tyler Robbins

Member since: 02/03/17

182 Reputation