
  1. HegrBMT3BQf3RxHl
    • You will be removing the yellow and green wires from terminal 1 and 2 from step 2

    • Re-crimp the wires and using a 3 pin connector. Connect it to E1_STOP on the Duet

    • Polarity of the green and yellow wire doesn't matter.

    • Add the commands for "output_pin psupower" "gcode_macro M80" "gcode_macro M81" and "gcode_button power_on" to your printer.cfg

    • I've uploaded my config to my github

    sorry i don't understand the new wiring.

    the old wiring works by bridging the ssr with the yellow and green cable. with this gets the psu the power and gives the printer 24 V Power and so the duett, which gives the ssr 5V to switch the ssr on. but with your modification will the duet never get power and cannot be able to switch the ssr on.

    Juergen Scholz -

    I know what happened. Ifixit messed up and deleted a lot of my old guides. This one wasn't completely finished. You also need to have a 5v external PSU connected to the duet to keep it in an always on state

    David Husolo -

David Husolo

Member since: 16/06/21

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