
Prerequisite-only guide for separating the Kindle 3's internals from the housing.

  1. xT6fXsvfrsgFDBrq
    • Remove six silver Phillips screws from the locations shown.

    The components look slightly different from mine, eg there is a plastic covering the hard drive. what model is yours?

    okojoijohoij -

  2. D1gUgORTjOBeRsBT
    • Pry the display connector straight up from its socket on the motherboard to disconnect it.

  3. UvPlaVs1RT5XL2Qc
    • Remove eleven smaller, gray-colored Phillips screws from the locations shown.

  4. 2CEWnXW1Ia52KNnB
    • Lifting from the top edge, slide the entire motherboard and midframe assembly together away from the bottom edge of the Kindle, and remove it carefully.

    When lifting it out, it seemed to be affixed to something at the far bottom right corner (relative to the above photo), and required a bit of tugging before popping free, which was a bit alarming. Not sure where it was stuck. Was definitely lifting it away from the base first before lifting too far up.

    Also this is a good point to be reminded not to lose the little battery washers from earlier (step 3) if you decided to be smart and leave them on the board! Remove them and place them with the screws.

    domarius -


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

Jeff Suovanen

Member since: 06/08/13

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