
  1. 5oLiNoJDJxOjlyrD
    • Press Home X. The hot end should move to the left towards the end stop. It will bump the end stop move to the right a few mm, than back left to the end stop and stop.

    • Measure the distance from the edge of the Top X Mount to the edge of the bearing block. Jog the hot end +10mm and re-measure. It should be 10mm larger.

    • Press Home Y. The hot end should move to the back towards the end stop. It will bump the end stop move to forward a few mm, than to the back to the end stop and stop.

    • Measure the distance from the edge of the rear corner to the edge of the bearing block. Jog the hot end -10mm and re-measure. It should be 10mm larger.

  2. gcKYOtm2IEZXkuFU
    • During bed leveling, you want the probe position to be at the center of the bed, not the nozzle. Once you have your X and Y coordinates calculated press Home Z

    • The probe(not the nozzle) will move to the center of the bed, Deploy the probe, raise the bed, stop once the probe is triggered, and lower the bed.

    • If your probe is slightly off center we need to correct it. Manually jog the hotend so the probe is in the center of the bed. Note the coordinates

    • Take the coordinates off the web page and replace them in homez.g and homeall.g

    • G1 X178.75 Y155.2 F10000 ; go to first probe point

  3. fDFYN3OOtGj6uAOk
    • Manually jog the hot end

    • When you jog +X it will move to the right

    • When you jog +Y it will move towards the back.

David Husolo

Member since: 16/06/21

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